
弊社MaxWell Biosystemsの商品をお使いのお客様の声を紹介します 

MaxWell Biosystems は 弊社商品の可能性を紹介する 最善の方法は  商品を実際にお使いのお客様の声を直接お届けすることだと信じています。

お客様の声をぜひ読んでいただき 私達のHD-MEAシステムがどのように 皆様の研究に役立てるか をご検討ください。

Jens Duru – MaxOne HD-MEA System and MaxOneChip

Laboratory of Biosensors and Bioelectronics (LBB), ETH Zurich, Switzerland, coordinated by Prof. Dr. Janos Vörös

“The MaxOne+ Chip provides the same high electrode density
as the previous MaxOne chip. We appreciate most about the new chip that its surface is flat, which enables hassle-free adhesion of PDMS microstructures.”

Read more about how our systems are powering Jens Duru’s research >>>

Dr. Maria Sundberg – MaxTwo Multi-Well HD-MEA System

Sahin Lab, Boston Children’s Hospital/Harvard Medical School, Neurology Department, coordinated by Prof. Dr. Mustafa Sahin

“With MaxLab Live Software we analyze the neuronal network firing rates, network bursting phenotypes, and perform axon tracking for analyses of the neuronal branches and their functionality at single cell level.”

Read more about how our systems are powering Dr. Maria Sundberg’s research >>>

Danny McSweeney – MaxOne HD-MEA System 

Pak Lab, University of Massachusetts Amherst, United States, coordinated by Prof. Dr. ChangHui Pak

“The built-in analysis module was the best part of the MaxLab Live Software. The ability to easily analyze data with the MaxLab Live Software was wonderful, with suggested defaults, multiple export runs in single files and further data wrangling and graphing.”

Read more about how our systems are powering Danny’s McSweeney’s research >>>


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