MaxWell Webinar with Prof. Dr. Mircea Teodorescu and Kateryna Voitiuk


Prof. Dr. Mircea Teodorescu
Teodorescu Lab, UC Santa Cruz, USA
Kateryna Voitiuk
Teodorescu Lab, UC Santa Cruz, USA
Dr. Marie Obien
MaxWell Biosystems, Switzerland
This webinar will highlight:
A combination of different modalities for an automated and remotely controlled laboratory for organoid experiments
An integration of microscopy, fluidics, and HD-MEA systems to study functional neural networks in cerebral organoids
Open Source Hardware & Software Modules for Multimodal Electrophysiology Experiments
High-density recordings allow monitoring of neural network activity over space and time but require extensive manual labor during long-term experiments. We propose an automated, remote-controlled experimentation platform that provides consistent media feeding and fuses complementary information acquired through several sensing and stimulation modalities (using MaxWell HD-CMOS MEAs, imaging, and optogenetics). For reproducibility, we use off-the-shelf and open-source 3D printed components as well as our open-source ‘Braingeneers’ Python library.
Speaker Bio’s
Prof. Dr. Mircea Teodorescu | Mircea Teodorescu is an Associate Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering. His lab focuses on research in mechanical, electrical and computer engineering with applications in bio-molecular engineering, biomechanics and assistive technology. His lab interfaces biology and engineering through the use of mathematical modeling, rapid manufacturing, embedded electronic systems, and sensing.
Kateryna Voitiuk | Kateryna Voitiuk is a Ph.D. candidate in Bioinformatics. She is curious about how the brain processes information from the bottom up. Kate engineers hardware, software, and microfluidic devices to study neural activity in 3D stem-cell-derived organoid and connectoid models. She is honored to be supported as an NIH NHGRI T-32 Trainee and ARCS Foundation Agilent Technologies Scholar.